An expatriate of New Orleans – and professional chef – who has lived in Los Angeles since her childhood, blogs about the journey from New Orleans to Los Angeles back to New Orleans, and points along the way.

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Summer Jazz Sunday Brunch Menu-Zucchini and Roasted Red Pepper Frittatta

By on Jul 8, 2011, 4:32 pm in Events, Food and Drink, Recipes-Savory | 5 comments

Zucchini and Roasted Pepper Frittata
Zucchini and Roasted Pepper Frittata


Frittatas are easy to whip up, and are a  perfect dish for brunch. They are good hot out of the oven, and they are an ideal dish for taking outdoors, as they are great served at room temp, too. The combination of ingredients is limited only by your taste and imagination- any combination of vegetables, sausages, ham and/or cheese works fine.

Since it is the height of summer, I have made frittatas for our outdoor summer jazz brunch using two “essence of summer” veggies- zucchini and red peppers. And since we are working with a Mediterranean picnic them, I’ve added a tangy chevre style goat cheese, one of my favorite types of cheese.

The result- a tasty treat, indeed. Recipe follows:


  1. Gisele, this looks scrumptious…when you bake it does it just form a crust like looking edge, or do you have to do something to it to get it to form this way?


    July 11, 2011

  2. Nope- I just bake it. It gets browns and puffy, when it’s out of the oven for a couple of minutes, it drops some, hence the ” crust” I guess. I make a lot of frittatas, very easy and tasty.

    Gisele aka LA2LAChef

    July 11, 2011

  3. I’ve never heard of Frittattas! It looks like a mix between a quiche and a pizza! I’m gonna try that as soon as I can and let you know how it turned out! Thanks for the recipe!

  4. It gets cleveland browns and swollen, when it’s out of the range for a few mins, it comes down some, hence the “crust” I think. I develop a lot of frittatas, very simple and delightful.

    seasonal recipes

    November 17, 2011

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